The alone advantage. What being alone can do to you to the point where it can change your life for the better?
For many of us, being alone can feel like a total nightmare. It can also feel like a total punishment to some when they have to spend their time with no one around.
Even if you don’t feel that way, society seems to have a stigma about people who prefer to spend their time alone.
They seem to assume people who spend their time alone must have zero friends or they just hate people in general.
So, it’s understandable why being alone gets a bad rep. Nothing good comes out of spending your time alone other than making you feel miserable.
But what if spending your time alone can be the best thing you’ve ever had?
That seems to be the case with what Terri shared in this book.
It seems that spending time alone with just a pen and a notebook turns out to be the best thing that ever happened to her.
Even crazier? Successful people spend their time alone too.
What’s more, they’re putting in a lot of effort when no one is looking.
If that’s what successful people always do, then spending your time alone doesn’t seem as crazy as it sounds at all.
What The Alone Advantage book is all about
Here’s the book description that I got from Amazon.
In The Alone Advantage, Terri Savelle Foy shows how simple habits behind closed doors can reshape every aspect of your life. She knows what it’s like to be in a rut, repeating the same routine with no significant progress toward deep-down dreams. Terri started noticing that although the average person does not spend time alone—the average successful person does.
Whatever your unique, God-given dream is, Terri reveals what successful people do in private to prepare and achieve the dreams in their heart. Discover:
- the morning routine that can change your life before breakfast,
- how to harness your imagination to visualize the future you want, and
- why successful people spend time alone.
Step-by-step, Terri shows you how realizing your biggest dream starts with a daily to-do list. As you learn the habits of successful people—everything from waking up to cleaning up to growing up—you will become your own best cheerleader. The Alone Advantage equips you to wake up with vision, have a clear set of goals, and protect your time in private so God can promote you in public.
What got me to read the book
Okay, I won’t deny what got me to read this book has a lot to do with it being a new book by Terri Savelle Foy.
If the name sounds familiar to you, she’s also the same author behind the Dream It, Pin It, Live It book.
Knowing how much I enjoyed reading her last book, there’s no doubt I will get her next book.
And it has to be in print.
Will I still be getting this book if I’ve never heard of her before?
Well, you bet I will since I find the idea of becoming successful by spending your time alone rather fascinating.
Never in a lifetime, it crosses our minds that spending your time alone can lead you to success, right?
What makes The Alone Advantage worth reading
Let me be honest here, there are plenty of books out there that talk about the habits of successful people.
So, what makes this book any different considering that it covers the same topic as the books that come before it?
Well, I will say it’s the habits that successful people do when they’re alone and no one is looking, of course.
With ten habits in total, Terri goes deeper into what they are and how these simple habits can have a significant impact on your life.
Not sure how you can incorporate any of these habits into your daily routines?
Fret not since Terri provides you with an action plan on how you can get started with any of these habits.
And if you need some refresher on what habits you need to adopt, there’s a dedicated page that sums up the habits covered in that section.
What you should know about this book
Not going to lie that it can feel like you have to do these ten habits all at once if you want to be successful.
Yes, these habits are good habits to adopt if you haven’t done them already.
And they’re simple to adopt into your daily routine too, since they won’t take too much of your time to do those things.
But then again, there’s no point for you to do them all if you can’t even stick to it in the long run.
What makes this habit a game-changer hasn’t so much to do with you adopting it into your daily life.
Rather, it has more to do with how consistent you are with these habits.
Instead of trying to do them all, I suggest you identify which one of the habits you want to get started first and stick to it.
You can then add another habit once you already established the first one.
And if you want success to come easily to you, I highly recommend you have a look at Feng Shui Your Life book by Marie Diamond as well.
Okay, I admit this book can feel a bit woo-woo to some.
But I don’t see anything wrong with creating a welcoming and positive vibe in your space.
While incorporating good habits in your daily routine is important, having a space brimming with a positive vibe can have a tremendous impact on your life too.
Who should read this book?
If you’re curious about the habits of successful people and looking for practical ways to adopt them into your daily routine, then this book is for you.
Where to buy The Alone Advantage book
As always, you can get this book in digital and print on Amazon. You can get this book in whichever format you prefer right here:
The Alone Advantage by Terri Savelle Foy
In case you’re wondering, I got this book in print from my local bookstore.
That’s another place you can have a look at too if you prefer not to get the book on Amazon.
Over to you
What do you think about The Alone Advantage book? Are you interested in giving this book a try after reading about it on my blog?
Let me know in the comments.