Small Business Deals June 2022 Blog Banner

While Small Business Deals June 2022 Edition may be the first dedicated post that talks about the small business deals on this blog, it’s certainly not the first time I’m writing a post like this.

Back then, I usually reserved a post like this on The Efficient You Tumblr.

Wait, do I mean THAT Tumblr?

Yes, I still use Tumblr to this day, in case you’re wondering.

So, why does it have to be Tumblr, of all places?

My reason for that is simple. Tumblr is a perfect place to write short posts. And since most posts with affiliate links tend to be short by nature, I figured that I should post them on Tumblr instead of this blog.

But here’s what I discover after posting short posts on Tumblr.

Not only that I have a hard time posting these short posts on Tumblr. But these posts don’t even generate clicks at all, let alone sales.

It looks good in theory since posting short posts like these won’t take that much of my time.

But when you have to write multiple short posts every week, it sure is a recipe for burnout.

Rather than posting these deals on Tumblr, perhaps I should post them on my blog instead.

It’s a lot more manageable this way since I have to juggle two different blogs. But at the same time, I don’t have to crack my brain for new content on this blog.

I’ll continue with my story about Tumblr and short posts in the next Small Business Deals post.

But for now, let’s take a look at the deals that you don’t want to miss in Small Business Deals: June 2022 Edition.

Namecheap and its new shared hosting EU datacenter

You may have a beautifully-designed author website. But it’s pointless when your author website has a slow loading speed.

While many reasons can affect your website loading speed, where your hosting is located is one of them.

If your audience is mainly in Europe but your hosting is in the US, there’s a high chance that your website has a slow loading speed for those who are in Europe due to your server location being in the US.

The good news is that’s no longer the case anymore with Namecheap’s hosting plan since their hosting plan now includes CDN.

So, what is CDN, you ask?

It stands for Content Delivery Network. With CDN, it will replicate the same contents on your website on another server all across the network.

So, when your audience in Europe is accessing your author website, it will load just as fast as those who are in the US.

If you’re thinking of making a switch to a different hosting plan, then you’re going to love what Namecheap has in store for you.

To celebrate the first anniversary of their eco-friendly EU data center, Namecheap is currently offering a credit of up to $20 when you buy EU shared hosting.

Already have a website on another hosting? They also offer free migration to Namecheap hosting.

To learn more about Namecheap hosting, you can take a look at this page right here:

Namecheap shared hosting EU datacenter promotion

Side note about Namecheap

For those who don’t know, Namecheap is the place where I got the domain name for The Efficient You and my fiction author website, Sekina Mayu, from.

While I do recommend people to get their domain name from Namecheap due to the domain name being cheaper than other domain registrars, I don’t recommend that you get the hosting plan from Namecheap as well.

Sure, that will be easy to manage when you can manage everything in one dashboard.

But the problem arises when someone managed to get a hold of your account. It’ll be hard for you to claim ownership of your website when the bad apple gets a hold of your hosting and domain name.

It’s because of this reason you need to get a domain name and hosting plan from a different company.

If you get your domain name from a different domain registrar other than Namecheap, then it’s fine to switch to Namecheap hosting plan.

Otherwise, you should opt for a different hosting service instead. Here’s a list of hosting services that you can get for your author website.

And if you’d like to get the same hosting service as I am, you can sign up for Hostgator right here. This is the hosting I’m currently using right now.

Don’t forget to use my coupon code EFFICIENT during checkout to get $9.94 off on any hosting plan during your first month.

Bluchic 4th July sales

Bluchic 4th July Sales

Thinking it’s time to give your website a brand new makeover?

If that’s you, then you’re in luck since Bluchic is currently running a promotion where you can get 20% off on all Bluchic WordPress themes and templates.

The promotion will be available until 5th July 2022.

I highly recommend that you get a premium WordPress theme from Bluchic if you write in a genre or topic that caters to the female audience due to the soft color palette that they use for the Bluchic theme.

Think that the premium WordPress theme from Bluchic is perfect for your author website? You can take a look at the themes right here:

Premium WordPress theme from Bluchic

For those who are wondering, I use the Divi theme on both The Efficient You and my fiction author site, Sekina Mayu.

If you’re looking for another option, then you can give the Divi theme a try as well.

My Payhip store

Yes, I finally have a Payhip store for this website. While the store only has one product at the moment, it doesn’t deter me from telling people about it.

If you’re wondering how you can use Twitter effectively as an author, then my Twitter Marketing For Business guide covers all the things you need to know about using Twitter without having to drive yourself to the corner.

You can take a look at the guide right here:

Twitter Marketing For Business

Affiliate disclaimer

Just to let you know that Small Business Deals: June 2022 Edition post contains affiliate links. I’ll be compensated when you buy anything through my affiliate links. Don’t worry, I’ll be compensated with no additional cost to you.

Your purchase through my affiliate links will help me to continue sharing my insight on the business side of being an author on my blog.

And of course, it helps with keeping this blog running for years to come too.

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