The Ultimate Sales Letter? Why you should bother to read this book when you don’t even write a sales letter?
Yes, it’s true that the book does talk about writing a sales letter from the beginning until the end. It’s the premise of the book, after all.
But my reason for suggesting this book is that the book covers the fundamentals of copywriting.
That leads me to another question: why should you even care about copywriting?
Well, here’s the thing. If you want to sell your products and services in truckloads using written words, then learning about copywriting is the way to go.
And yes, that includes writing a book description for your nonfiction book.
Now, do I get your attention now?
I’m applying the copywriting technique to you, in case you’re wondering.
What The Ultimate Sales Letter is all about
Here’s the book description that I got from Amazon.
In the age of e-mail and instant communication, great sales copy is indispensable to closing a deal. But too many sales letters end up in the junk file or the wastebasket. In this new edition of his top-selling book, author Dan Kennedy explains why some sales letters work and most don’t. And he shows how to write copy that any business can use.
Among other things, he provides completely updated text and examples, great headline formulas, new exercises to spark creativity, the best way to use graphics.
Kennedy is the most successful, highly paid direct-response copywriter in the country. In this book, he shares his step-by-step formula so everyone can write letters that will nail the sale.
What makes The Ultimate Sales Letter worth reading
I did say before that having a book description that converts matter a lot more than having a professionally-designed book cover.
It’s because of this reason that I’m recommending you to read How to Write a Sizzling Synopsis by Bryan Cohen if you’re writing a novel. Your book has a better chance to convert into sales when you nail down a synopsis that gets people excited to buy your book.
Yes, you still need to get a professionally-designed book cover that fits your genre. After all, it’s the book cover that gets people to take a look at your book.
But what drives people to click on the buy button has a lot more to do with your book description. And it’s also applicable to the nonfiction books even if the book cover says it all what the book is all about.
So, how does The Ultimate Sales Letter fits into this equation?
If you want a better understanding of copywriting, then this book has it for you because it teaches you the basic things about copywriting.
When you understand basic copywriting, not only you can write a book description that can convert into sales. But you can also use the same concept to write other things such as a landing page to get people to join your mailing list or a blog post that converts into sales or affiliate commissions.
As an author, your job isn’t just about generating sales for your books. You also want your readers to buy your other products and services if you have one.
And if you’re writing fiction, copywriting can help you with writing a landing page that gets people to join your mailing list. You can also use the same skill to write a copy for your paid ads.
The possibility is endless here once you learn about copywriting.
Anything else you should know about the book?
Some of us may already familiar with the AIDA acronym which stands for attention, interest, desire, and action.
Rather than using the AIDA concept, Dan Kennedy is using a different approach to write a copy instead.
Keep in mind that there’s no right or wrong when it comes to the marketing concept. It’s just a matter of your preference.
In my case, I prefer Dan Kennedy’s approach since I find his copywriting method is easier for me to grasp than the AIDA concept.
If you’re not sure which method you should adopt, my suggestion is to try both and see which one works the best for you.
Who should read this book
If you’re thinking of writing a sales letter yourself, then this book has all you need since it covers everything you need to know about a sales letter from how to write the sales letter itself to what copy you should include on the envelope.
Even if you don’t intend to use direct marketing to sell your products and services, it’s still worth reading considering that it covers the basic copywriting.
Like I said before, the possibility is endless once you understand the basic copywriting. If you can only learn one skill, then make copywriting as one of the skills that you should learn.
And it’s possible to do that with this book.
Where to buy The Ultimate Sales Letter
As always, you can buy the book right here on Amazon:
Buy The Ultimate Sales Letter on Amazon
Have Kindle Unlimited? The good news is you can read this book for free if you have Kindle Unlimited subscription. Keep in mind that you can still buy the book even if you don’t have Kindle Unlimited.
Prefer to buy the book elsewhere? Well, the ebook version isn’t available elsewhere because it’s in Kindle Unlimited. But you can still buy the print book version at another place.
My favorite place to buy print books is Wordery because it offers free shipping worldwide. If you’re thinking of buying this book, you can get it at Wordery.
Here’s the link to the book on Wordery:
Buy The Ultimate Sales Letter print book on Wordery
The book is also available as an audio CD too. If you prefer to listen to the audio instead, you can buy the audio CD at Wordery as well:
Buy The Ultimate Sales Letter audio CD on Wordery
Over to you
What do you think about The Ultimate Sales Letter? Are you interested in giving this book a try? Let me know in the comment below.