Small Business Deals July 2024 Blog Banner

It’s hard to believe that it’s already July now that it’s time for me to write Small Business Deals: July 2024 Edition post.

With only 5 months left before 2024 officially ends, it can only mean one thing.

And that is a reflection of how I fare with my goals so far.

Am I on track with some of the goals I’m currently working on?

Or am I falling behind because life decides to throw curveballs at me?

Unfortunately, life does throw curveballs at me.

But I’m happy to report that it’s not enough to deter me from working on my goals. My only beef is that I’m progressing a lot slower than I expected.

Whether I can see a huge progress in my goals this month is something I’m not sure of.

But all I can say is keep your eyes glued to my email since it’s going to be a wild one in a good way.

And if you haven’t joined my email list, you can do so right here.

In the meantime, here are the deals that you certainly don’t want to miss in this month’s Small Business Deals: July 2024 Edition post.

Save more on your hosting plan with WP Engine’s Summer Savings

If there’s one thing I learned when it comes to saving money is this – you save a lot more when you opt for the annual plan.

And it’s even more so when you get it during a special promotion.

This is what WP Engine is doing right now where they’re running a special sale for their annual plan.

Throughout July, you will get 6 months free when you sign up for any of their Startup, Professional, Growth, or Scale annual plans.

So, what’s the big deal about this promotion, you ask?

Well, their usual offer will only qualify you to get 4 months free, not 6 months free.

This is the only time where you can get 6 months free on any of their plans, unlike their usual offer where you can only get 4 months free.

If you want to save more on their annual plan, now is your chance to do so.

Just to let you know you can only gain access to this offer through this link since this offer isn’t available sitewide.

Interested in signing up with WP Engine?

You can learn more about what each plan has to offer right here:

WP Engine Summer Savings promotion

Don’t see the discount? Use the coupon code SUN6OFF during checkout to get 6 months free on any of their plans.

Keep in mind that this offer is NOT valid for their Lite plan. And the price you pay during the offer is only applicable in the first year.

You’ll be paying the actual price in your next billing cycle.

It can be a little tad too pricey for the beginner author

If you’re new to web-related stuff, then you may find the pricing for WP Engine is way out of your budget even with a huge discount applied.

And that begs you this question – should you opt for WP Engine when you’re a beginner author?

Okay, I won’t deny having reliable hosting is crucial since your reputation depends on it.

The last thing you want is for your readers to complain that they can’t access your website due to the hosting downtime.

But it’s certainly not a smart move either to blow on an expensive hosting like WP Engine when you don’t generate enough book sales for now.

If anything, the hosting cost should be within your budget, right?

Don’t worry if you find the pricing for WP Engine is way too steep for you.

As you can see here, WP Engine is meant for websites that receive a large volume of traffic every month.

So, it can be a little too much for the beginner author when you don’t receive that much traffic coming to your website every month.

If you need reliable hosting that doesn’t cause a hole in your pocket, then I highly recommend you have a look at SetraHost.

This is the hosting I’m currently using on both of my websites.

You can learn more about SetraHost right here if you’re interested:

Web hosting SetraHost

Curious about my experience with using SetraHost thus far? You can read this post here if you’d like to know my experience with using SetraHost.

Save big during Namecheap’s Transfer Week Sale

Namecheap Transfer Week Sale

There’s no reason to stick around with your current domain registrar if you have a love-hate relationship with them.

Unlike switching to a different hosting, it’s far easier to switch to a different domain registrar.

And it’s even better when you can save money when you transfer your domain to Namecheap.

As you can tell, Namecheap is currently running a promotion where you can save up to 41% off when you transfer your domain to them.

Apart from domain transfer, they’re running a special promotion on web and email hosting too where you can save up to 65% off on web hosting and 33% off on email hosting.

Keep in mind this offer will only be around until July 15, 2024.

If you’re thinking about switching over to Namecheap, you can take a look at what they offer right here:

Namecheap Transfer Week Sale

Save more on web-related stuff during Namecheap’s summer sale

Namecheap Summer Sale 2024

Hold on, didn’t Namecheap just run a special promotion not too long ago?

And here we are with another new promotion from Namecheap again?

Yes, you’re right. We have another new promotion from Namecheap.

But this time, they’re running a site-wide sale where you can get up to 97% off on anything Namecheap has in store.

Eyeing for a new domain for your website?

Well, you can get up to 97% off during the sale.

Thinking about switching to their Easy WP hosting?

You can save up to 83% off when you sign up for any of their annual plans.

Of course, that’s not the only thing available on sale right now. You can take a look at the promotion right here on what else is available for a discount during this promotion:

Namecheap summer sale

Just to let you know this promotion will only be available until July 29, 2024.

Small Business Deals: July 2024 Edition affiliate disclaimer

Just to let you know that the Small Business Deals: July 2024 Edition post contains affiliate links. I’ll be compensated when you buy anything through my affiliate links. Don’t worry, I’ll be paid at no additional cost.

Your purchase through my affiliate links will help me to continue sharing my insight on the business side of being an author on my blog.

And of course, it helps keep this blog running for years too.

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