It’s hard to imagine that it’s already June now it’s time for another Small Business Deals: June 2024 Edition post.
With June already here upon us, I hope you managed to accomplish some of the goals you set for this year.
Have you only managed to achieve one or two goals so far?
Well, that’s okay too.
Regardless of how many goals you already achieved thus far, it’s still worth celebrating.
Since we’re talking about goals here, then it’s fair for me to share how I fare so far as far as my goals for this year are concerned.
Sad to say, the progress toward my goals for this year is a lot slower than I anticipated.
But at least I’m happy to report that I finally revamped my email marketing strategy for both of my websites.
Instead of using Mailchimp, I’m now using MailPoet to send emails.
If you missed it, here’s the post about my reason for moving away from using Mailchimp. And if you’re curious about MailPoet, you can read my thoughts about it in this post here.
With that said, here are the deals you don’t want to miss in this month’s Small Business Deals: June 2024 Edition post.
Have a blazing fast-loading website with WP Engine
I probably say this for the gazillion times we all should have a dedicated place we have full control of.
And that dedicated place is none other than your own website.
While it’s important to have your own website regardless of where you are in your author career, it’s also important to have a website that loads fast.
The reason for that is simple – it’s easier for your readers to abandon your website when your website isn’t loading fast enough.
And it’s easier for you to lose favor to Google too when you have a slow-loading website.
After all, Google loves websites that load fast.
If you want your website to do well in the search engine, then you need to ensure that your website is loading fast enough.
One of the ways you can go about this is to use CDN to make your website load fast.
Another way to make your website load faster is to use a reliable hosting service such as WP Engine.
Thanks to their caching technology, EverCache, your website can load faster with less strain on resources.
It’s the fastest WordPress host too, compared to other WordPress hosts such as Kinsta, SiteGround, and Automattic.
If you want your website to load faster, then WP Engine is what you should get.
You can learn more about WP Engine here if you’re interested:
Managed WordPress hosting, WP Engine
The budget-friendly alternative to WP Engine
Some of you may find the pricing for WP Engine a little tad too much even just for one website.
It makes sense why WP Engine is on the pricier side considering that it caters to websites that have a large amount of visits per month.
So, it can feel too much of a stretch to use WP Engine if you’re starting out and you don’t receive a lot of traffic coming to your website.
If you’re looking for a host that can make your website load faster and it’s budget-friendly, then I highly recommend you have a look at SetraHost.
Yes, SetraHost may not be the fastest host compared to WP Engine.
But it can still make your website load just as fast thanks to their LiteSpeed Web Server, LiteSpeed Cache, and the new NVME SSD Drives.
Just to let you know this is the hosting that I’m currently using right now.
If you’re interested to learn more about SetraHost, you can do so right here:
Create a beautiful and professional-looking website with Divi
People don’t just judge a book by its cover. But they even judge a website by its web design too.
It’s because of this reason you also need to spend money on getting a premium WordPress theme.
If you’re on the lookout for a new WordPress theme for your website, then I highly suggest you have a look at Divi.
With Divi, you can create a beautiful and professional-looking website with no coding required.
Even better? It now comes with the AI Builder too.
All you need to do is to tell the AI what kind of website you want to create and it will create the page complete with photos.
I can’t say for sure how good is the AI Builder since I have yet to try this feature myself.
But all I can say is it sure does help with creating all kinds of pages you want for your website in less time.
Think Divi theme is something that you should get for your website? You can learn more about it right here:
Learn from the best during the ProWritingAid’s Crime Writers’ Week
If there’s one thing that can greatly impact your author career, it will be learning from the best in the industry.
And if you’re a crime writer, now is your chance to up the ante with your crime novel writing game with ProWritingAid’s Crime Writers’ Week.
During this event, not only you’ll get to learn how you can find your ideal readers, break through writer’s block, and write engaging scenes.
But you also get to attend live sessions with bestselling authors and experts such as Dana Pittman, the author of Black Diamond, and Wanda M. Morris, the author of All Her Little Secrets.
The event will run from June 17 until June 21, 2024, and it’s free to attend.
But the final day will only be available for Premium subscribers, though.
Thinking about attending the event? You can sign up for the event right here:
Sign up for ProWritingAid’s Crime Writers’ Week event
Save more on anything web-related during Namecheap’s Small Business Week sale

You can go into the rabbit hole to find the best hosting and premium WordPress that money can buy.
But all those things are pointless if you don’t have a domain name ready.
Think of it like you already consulted the architect for designing your dream home and hiring an interior designer to decorate your house but you don’t have a house yet.
If anything, getting a domain name is what you should do first before you delve deeper into everything else.
Fortunately, Namecheap is currently running a sale where you can get up to 98% off on a new domain.
Already bought a domain name elsewhere and are thinking about transferring the domain name to Namecheap?
Well, you’re in luck too since you can save up to 39% when you transfer your domain to Namecheap.
Of course, that’s not the only things that are up for grabs during the Small Business Week sale.
You can take a look at them right here for other offers that are available during the sale:
Namecheap Small Business Week sale
This offer will only be available until July 1, 2024.
Small Business Deals: June 2024 Edition affiliate disclaimer
Just to let you know that the Small Business Deals: June 2024 Edition post contains affiliate links. I’ll be compensated when you buy anything through my affiliate links. Don’t worry, I’ll be paid at no additional cost.
Your purchase through my affiliate links will help me to continue sharing my insight on the business side of being an author on my blog.
And of course, it helps keep this blog running for years too.