When I decided to resume blogging on The Efficient You blog, I was brimming with so many ideas on what to write about.
That seems to be the case for anyone who starts a blog. And also to those who decided to continue blogging after some time.
At first, they have tons of things that they want to write about on their blog when they’re getting started. And suddenly, they started to write less often on their blog and eventually abandoned their blog for good.
To be honest, I’m not immune to this kind of thought despite already blogging for almost ten years.
Heck, I even thought of abandoning The Efficient You blog once again after resuming the blog a few weeks ago.
The old me would have abandoned the blog once again. But another part of me is telling me to keep going.
After all, I already made a promise to myself that I will continue blogging on The Efficient You blog again. And I should keep on doing it no matter what.
What leads me to want to abandon The Efficient You blog again
Here’s something that I know well enough when it comes to blogging or any form of content marketing for that matter: it takes a while for it to gain traction.
It doesn’t matter whether you choose to do content marketing to promote your products or services or it’s for affiliate marketing. The fact is it takes time for it to gain traction.
Patience is the key here.
But my reason for wanting to abandon the blog isn’t anything to do with the blog not gaining any traction at all.
Rather, it’s more about me not enjoying what I write on this blog.
I don’t know about you. But for me, it’s hard to continue blogging when I don’t enjoy what I write. It’s even worse when I’m struggling to write about the things that I don’t enjoy.
Not only that, but I’m also not even sure if people will ever read what I write, let alone enjoy it.
I can’t say for sure if people do find my blog enjoyable to read. But I do know one thing for sure if you don’t enjoy what you write, then people who read what you write won’t enjoy it either.
It’s because of this reason that I stopped blogging on this blog in the first place back then. I can’t seem to find joy in writing about my self-publishing journey anymore.
How I plan to bring joy in blogging
After talking about manga, light novels and nonfiction books on my fiction author website, I realized that I enjoyed recommending books to people.
Sure, I’m still struggling to write about book recommendations from time to time. But my reason behind the struggle has a lot to do with me not being able to articulate my point about the book. It’s hard for me to tell people what makes the books worth reading in the form of writing.
I can’t just say that the book is awesome and that’s it, right?
Putting that aside, now that I already know what makes me keep going, I feel that I want to do the same thing on this blog as well.
With that said, I’m thinking about recommending books that I read on this blog too. But the books that I recommend will be specific to the author and author business in general instead.
Same concept on my fiction author website. But with a different focus.
Will this blog be about books all the time?
It depends. Knowing my reading speed, I doubt that I’ll be able to recommend books on this blog every week.
So, I try to supplement the blog by sharing my anecdote about the book or talk about things that I discover related to the business side of things.
Yes, I still talk about self-publishing and author business on this blog. It’s just that I won’t be talking about it in greater detail like what I did for my Sci-F Day promotion.
Right now, it’s too early for me to see where this blog is going. So, the only thing I can do at the moment is to give it a try and see how it goes.
It’s still an experiment
What the future holds for The Efficient You blog that now I’m clear about the things that bring me joy?
To be honest, I don’t know. Like I said before, it’s hard for me to say what’s in store for this blog until I decide to give it a try and see how things will go from there.
Will I change direction for this blog once again?
Maybe. But if I ever change the direction for this blog, I will let you know as always.