Using tags in MailChimp or any other email marketing platform for that matter isn’t anything new.
And yet here I am who only started using this feature not too long ago when I created a landing page for my Science Fiction Day promotion.
The people who joined my mailing list through that landing page would still be on the same email list as those who requested my free ebooks.
But since the people who joined my mailing list through the landing page on my Sci-Fi Day promo is nothing alike to those who requested my free ebooks, then using tags is the best approach to differentiate these email subscribers.
Well, at least in terms of where they’re coming from.
It’s because of this reason that tags play such an important role in my email marketing campaign.
Why using tags in MailChimp
It’s not that hard to understand why I’m using tags in MailChimp: I just don’t want the email subscribers that I get from my landing page for Sci-Fi Day promotion to get mixed up with those who requested my free ebooks.
Sure, I can create a separate list just for my book promotion. But I figure creating tags will be a much better option. Not only these email subscribers are still on the same list. But It also makes managing the list easier too.
It’s not easy to manage more than one list. So, I’ll be more than happy to avoid such hassle whenever possible.
Even MailChimp doesn’t recommend you to create a separate list unless you’re creating a list for a different website or a different business altogether.
Should you start using tags in MailChimp or any other email marketing platforms too?
At this point, you must be wondering whether you should start using tags in MailChimp or not. Perhaps you just started building your email list and you don’t have any email subscribers yet.
Besides, it feels like an advanced tip to you. So, you don’t feel like implementing tags in your email list despite knowing how crucial it is.
What’s more, you only have one type of email subscriber which is the people who requested your free ebook.
Even if you only have one type of email subscriber, you also need to think where they’re coming from.
Let’s say you use the method that Nick Stephenson outlined in his free training, Your First 10K Readers where you ask the people who downloaded your free ebook on Amazon to join your mailing list. When they join your mailing list, they’ll get another free ebook from you too.
On top of that, you also organize a giveaway where people who join your mailing list through the giveaway can win cool prizes from you.
It’s obvious that these two groups of people who are in your mailing list are signing up for a different reason: one group wants your free ebook and another one is to win prizes.
If you use tags, you can create a different autoresponder series that caters to two different types of email subscribers despite having the same goal in mind.
And that is to build your mailing list.
Getting started with using tags on MailChimp or your preferred email marketing platform
The good news is creating tags in your email list isn’t that hard. If you’re like me who is using MailChimp to build an email list, here’s the detailed instruction on how to do that.
Once you already create the tags, you can then add them to your landing page and also on your autoresponder series.
That’s what I did for my fiction author mailing list. Not only I have people who join my mailing list by requesting free ebooks and also from my book promotion landing page. But I also have people who join my mailing list because they want me to send my latest blog post to their inbox.
I also add tags to my autoresponder series too. It will only trigger the email sequence when somebody joins my mailing list to request my free ebooks.
With so many different email subscribers on my list, it makes sense for me to utilize the tag feature.
It’s all about personalization
When you add tags to your email subscribers, it will be much easier for you to come up with an email marketing campaign that tailors to your subscribers’ behavior and expectation.
What’s more, it will increase your email’s engagement rate too since the email contents are geared to the specific audience within your list.
I won’t lie that implementing tags can be a hassle since there are a lot of things you need to do.
But if you want to engage your email subscribers in the best way possible, then using tags in MailChimp or any other email marketing platforms makes it all worth the effort.